I feel very sorry to God for I ponteng church for quite some time and my laziness that drove me not praying for few days..Well, God is so loving and had given me the strength to go through all the job temptations that falls on the A4J period.
I believe the small amount of RM350perday job for 2 days that i forgone will be blessed with double anointing =) Amen for that! However, the first day i went back to church, my handphone fell down on floor and the whole screen blackout and i tell myself it's time to change my phone d then..so I didn't think much..but the next day i went into car accident and i started to think..why God treats me so?Why all these happened to me once i stepped back to the door of Jesus?At 1st i had a little bit angry with Lord..but after the A4J i feel so sorry to Lord for angry-ing Him..Lord, please forgive me for this..I shud not think this way..Oh Lord please wash all my sins away..Satan!In Jesus name, I command you to leave me alone..!!!
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